Embed Articles
Embed an article using the shortcode
Embed an article using the shortcode
{{< e "tutorials/graph-of-connected-articles.md" >}}
Here is the result:
All articles that are connected by will show up in the graph. Articles that are not connected will be hidden.
We can move the canvas or drag the notes. Hover on one of the nodes to highlight the connections and see some details about the note.
The shortcode can take two arguments:
{{< e "tutorials/graph-of-connected-articles.md" "This is a custom title" >}}
All articles that are connected by will show up in the graph. Articles that are not connected will be hidden.
We can move the canvas or drag the notes. Hover on one of the nodes to highlight the connections and see some details about the note.
: tutorials/embed-articles
Links to:
KausalFlow (2021). 'Embed Articles', Connectome, 05 April. Available at: https://hugo-connectome.kausalflow.com/tutorials/embed-articles/.