Adding References

One could also add references to the post. Just add the following to the meta data of the post.

  - name: "Hugo (This is a demo reference)"
    link: ""

The result is shown on the right.

Inline citation of a reference is also possible if we give the reference a key.

  - name: "Hugo (This is a demo reference)"
    link: ""
    key: "hugo"

And in text, do the following

This is some description of hugo[^hugo].

[^hugo]: {{< cite key="hugo" >}}

The following paragraph is the rendered result of the above text.

This is some description of hugo1.

  1. hugo Hugo (This is a demo reference)  ↩︎

Planted: by ;

KausalFlow (2021). 'Adding References', Connectome, 05 April. Available at: